Article Database


Meet the Alice Cooper Group!
(Spec, 1973-10-00)

Presenting that wild and wickedly wonderful band of bad-boys — Alice Cooper! Here they are, one-by-one, with all the freaky facts you want to know about them. And if you're dyin' to dig deeper into the data on these darlin' devils, then just stay...

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Alice on Fire!
(Spec, 1974-02-00)

"Hi — and welcome to Fire Island! It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, and there's nothing I like better than just sitting on my terrace overlooking the Great South Bay and watching movies on TV! I'm waiting for my boat to come, so I can go fishing...

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Alice in the Raw!
(Spec, 1974-07-00)

You've been asking for more Alice Cooper, so here's more of Alice than you've ever seen before! Accompanied by the every-slinky Eva Marie Snake, Alice with the greatest of pleasure give you his all ‐ or, to be more precise, his almost! And in case...

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Alice — "I'm Not a Fag!"
(Spec, 1974-08-00)

"So What's The Story, Alice? Are You Gay? Are You Straight? Are You Bisexial? Which?!" At Last, SPEC Lays It On The Line (As It Were) And Hits Alice With The Big Question! A Very Intimate, Very Sensational, VERY Incredible Interview With...

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Alice Comes Clean or The Story of My Life, such as it is
(Spec, 1974-09-00)

It all began when I was born a month too soon - My ma was frightened by a runaway saloon! Well, that's not exactly true, but it sure is an eye-grabbing opener, isn't it? Actually, those are the first lines of a song by Danny Kaye called Anatole Of Paris...

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The Story Of My Life, Such As It Is - Or The True Horror Story I Could Never Tell!
(Spec, 1974-10-00)

I can't remember all my girl friends' names — not that there were all that many of them. My first little girl friend was Dawn Dubrowski — that was back in Detroit. Then there was Karen...

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The Story of My Life, Such As It Is Part IV
(Spec, 1975-01-00)

Well boys and girls, here we are again with the continuing saga and my life and art. When we with left the off, in the last issue of SPEC, Cindy Lang and I had just become sweethearts, and she had decided to leave her home to go on the road...

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