Article Database

2005 - 2007

Alice Cooper
(Age, The, 2005-00-00)

Alice Cooper continues the 1970s rockers-on-the-wane theme that local promoters have spent much of 2005 working on. Cooper (real name Vincent Furnier) was once a feared and notorious showman of both rock and horror....

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Phantom of Rock Opera
(Herald Sun, 2005-04-17)

He fell to his knees to hack at dolls with a hatchet, repeatedly lost his head on the guillotine and was strung, nightly, from the gallows. He splattered the stage with fake blood, sand one song in a straitjacket and in another revealed a hankering for necrophilia. ...

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Rock Beats Shock
(Herald Sun, 2005-06-16)

Alice Cooper has always had the power to shock. But nobody was more dumbfounded than the Baron of Blood himself when he opened a newspaper while in Australia and read he'd been arrested....

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Old School
(Herald Sun, 2005-06-18)

It was not all that long ago that rock monster Alice Cooper was the single worst nightmare of every right-minded, clear-thinking parent. But then, the fantasy of Alice was never quite aligned with the reality of the bloke behind the schlock-horror make-up. ...

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Alice Cooper
(Powerplay, 2005-07-00)

"Ooh, isn't it fabulous that Alice Cooper is ringing you up today?" an excitable friend exclaimed when she heard the news. Granted, it would have been exciting if he wanted his ball back after his mates had kicked it over my fence or if he wished to borrow a toaster. Instead, he was in fact 'phoning about the relatively small matter of his new album, "Dirty Diamonds"...

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Rattling up a hell of a rock show
(Herald Sun, 2005-07-01)

ALICE Cooper, shock rock inventor, revived his dark theatrics in a commanding Palais show last night. Cooper, 57, predates Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson and Gene Simmons....

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Alice Cooper
(Smålandsbygdens Tidning, 2005-07-08)

Med förra studioalbumet, "The Eyes of Alice Cooper", tog den teatrala rockens maestro, ALICE COOPER, ett stort musikaliskt kliv bakåt i tiden för att återutveckla sina garagerocksrötter....

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Alice Cooper Shine On, You Crazy Diamond
(BW&BK, 2005-08-00)

Yes, shine on... an aged but unbowed Alice Cooper is still making spirited, vital records. 38 years after his first coupla' singles, still greatly participating in life, still energetic and disarming in conversation, heck, still touring Australia...

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Classic Cuts Presents...
(Rue Morgue, 2005-08-00)

Every promise land has its Moses -- light or dark - and there are a few costume ghouls in modern mass-market horror, black metal or goth realms who'd dare leave Alice Cooper off their list of progenitors. Although the seed of horror rock's theatrics was planted with the voodoo coffin stage show of Screamin' Jay Hawkins in the '50s, Cooper put the evil in vaudville - paving the way for Slipknot's rubber gimp masks and Marilyn Manson's creepy couture - with one album in particular, Welcome To My Nightmare, which effectivelypushed horror rock into the limelight....

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(Real Detroit Weekly, 2005-08-17)

With a radio show, record and US tour, Detroit's own Alice Cooper is giving fans plenty of opportunities to peek into his nightmare. ...

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Alice Cooper
(Smålandsbygdens Tidning, 2005-08-26)

Det är svårt att tänka sig ett mer passande intro till en Alice Cooper-konsert, än årets öppning med den mäktiga orgelmusiken ifrån "Phantom Of The Opera"....

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Alice Cooper
(Maxim, 2005-10-00)

I can't stand being around my wife's parents, and they're coming to stay with us for two weeks. How can I avert this disaster? Gary T., Seattle, WA. Do a lot of farting -- fart to the point where they don't even want to be around you at all. No, you can't really avoid the parents. If you're coming, you've got to find some common ground. Either learn to suck up or be so annoying that they don't want to come. I always went the Ferris Bueller route: Be the sweetest guy in the world and pretty soon you will own them. If you can manipulate your mother-in-law, your father-in-law will be happy just because he won't have to argue with her....

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Alice Cooper back with nightmarish Paris Hilton salvo
(Vancouver Sun, 2005-10-13)

There are, generally, two types of show biz folk. There are the rock stars who take their craft terribly seriously and disdain the mundane parts, such as answering the same interview questions over and over again...

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Alice Past and Present
(Rue Morgue, 2005-11-00)

The idea behind Cooper's phenomenally successful 1973 Billion Dollar Babies was to "exploit the idea that everyone has sick perversions", and to that end, Alice loaded it with themes of reverse rape (Raped and Freezin'), gender-bending (Mary Ann) and necrophilia (I Love The Dead)....

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Alice Cooper's Christmas Pudding
(22nd Century Rock, 2006-00-00)

It was a night of comedy, a night of music, but above all it was a night for giving in the Christmas spirit at Alice Cooper's Christmas Pudding benefit concert. This event, held at the Dodge Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona was to raise money for needy...

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Alice Cooper - The Nightmare Returns
(Sweden Rock Magazine, 2006-00-00)

Halloween 1986. Joe Louis Arena, Detroit. Alice Cooper had just crawled out of the darkness he'd been living in during the larger part of the first half of the 1980's....

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Killing Paris Hilton
(Metal Edge, 2006-01-00)

Alice Cooper's Dirty Diamonds stands up to almost anything the revered shock-rocker had ever recorded. The legend has been chopping up dolls onstage since 1969, influencing generations of metal bands, some who have taken it to extremes...

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Who's News
(Post-Journal, 2006-01-13)

Alice Cooper says the world is so tumultuous even he can't shock an audience anymore. "In the '70s, I would cut my head off [onstage]," he says. "It was shocking, because there was nothing to compare. Now you turn on CNN and there is osmeone really getting his head cut off by terrorists."...

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Alice Cooper: The New (Wild) West
(Goldmine, 2006-05-12)

Alice Cooper - aka Vincent Damon Furnier and the son of a preacher man - has spent 35 years as a constant, relentless force of shock rock-ness. Ironic perhaps (the preacher bit), but Cooper has rarely played his card as a force for evil. It's a strange career path, one periodically boozy, always incendiary and frenzied, sometimes comical, with lots of golf and hot rods as well....

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Rocker Alice Cooper , Meet Alice, N.D., The City
(Cincinnati Post, 2006-05-15)

The key to this city, with just a feed store, fire hall and a bar, won't open much for rock legend Alice Cooper. Officials from the town of Alice, N.D., presented the aging shock rocker with a marble plaque and a gold-plated key Sunday to commemorate...

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Alice's Wonderland
(Rolling Stone, 2006-05-18)

"What an ugly cover." Such was the overwhelming reaction among Rolling Stone staff to Annie Leibovitz's 1972 image of Alice Cooper lasciviously canoodling with pet boa constrictor Kachina. "Back then, everybody was peace and love, and we were not that at all." says Cooper. "We were the villains or rock." Cooper's shows were full of dead babies, staged hangings and fake blood, and he was always upfront about his primary goal: to make a buck....

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News Report
(Advocate, 2006-07-05)

He became a legend in the 70s for helping define a decade of rock music. Alice Cooper, whose demonic persona was groundbreaking at the time, still has an edge today. Originally part of a band called Alice Cooper, the familiar frontman...

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For Fans of Shock Rock's Grand Old Man, The Nightmare Continues
(Dayton Daily News, 2006-07-14)

KETTERING — Veteran rock showman Alice Cooper makes his first appearance at Fraze Pavillon on Thursday night. We can only begin to imagine what the theatrically minded shock-rocker has in mind for his certain assault on staid suburban sensibilities....

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(Alice) Cooperstown
(Dayton City Paper, 2006-07-19)

"Only once a day," he said via telephone. "I don't want to overdo it." The "he" in question is the father of shock rock, Alice Cooper, and the activity in question is golfing while on tour. "Most people work out or run in the morning, but I go out golfing. It's an addiction. I gave up drinking almost 20 years ago, and I replaced that with golf. I do it 85 percent of the time. The rest of the time, I'm out terrifying the city. It's golf in the morning and rock at night. It's the crack of sports. Even Lou Reed plays golf."...

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Welcome To His Nightmare
(Dayton Daily News, 2006-07-19)

Bill White first heard about Alice Cooper during the early 1970s while attending class at Wright State University. A fellow student asked White if he was going to Cooper concert. "I was thinking of Joan Baez," White recalled. "I had no idea who this girl was." White, who will see Alice Cooper for the 16th time on Thursday at Fraze Pavilion in Kettering, soon changed his tune. ...

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Alice Isn't 18 Anymore, But We Still Like It
(Dayton Daily News, 2006-07-21)

Kettering - In a show that included a guillotine, a coffin, a Frankenstein monster, an S&M whip-cracking harpy and, of course, a severed head, one simple prop set Alice Cooper apart from the entire pack of tired old classic-rockers with whom he shares the summer concert trail....

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[Alice on Syd Barrett]
(Rolling Stone, 2006-08-10)

In Los Angeles, during an engagement at the Cheetah, the Floyd were befriended by the club's house band: the future Alice Cooper, then called the Nazz. "Pink Floyd basically ran out of money - they didn't have any place to stay," says singer Alice Cooper....

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Mr. Nice Guy
(Buffalo News, 2006-10-08)

It's all an act. Which is not to say you shouldn't be just a little bit afraid. Anyone who can act this way for a few hours every evening, 150 nights a year, has got to be a little bit touched. But no one has ever accused Alice Cooper of being a normal...

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Welcome To His Nightmare... Alice Cooper
(Steppin' Out, 2006-10-25)

After 30 albums and some of the most famous rock songs ever recorded, you'd think Alice Cooper's demons would've been conquered by now - or maybe locked in a cage and fed undercooked meat. But the man who changed the course of rock music in the '70s with bloody guillotines, sparking electric chairs, slimy boa constrictors, and a little blood and eyeliner still has more to slay in 2006....

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The Greatest Showman on Earth
(Classic Rock, 2006-11-00)

If thesaurus people Roget's ever get it together to produce a Rockathaurus, Alice Cooper will surely be one of the names in the definition of 'rock legend'. Alongside Keith Richards and, obviously, Lemmy, Cooper is without a doubt one of the...

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Aural Fixations
(East Valley Tribune, 2006-11-05)

More than three decades into his enormously successful rock career, the Valley's own Alice Cooper is still reaching goals he set long ago. "Get a star on Hollywood Boulevard, have a platinum album, go to No. 1 and open for The Stones," Cooper says by phone from a Connecticut stop on his tour after a round of golf in which the scratch player shot a 75....

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Alice In Randomland
(New York Post, 2006-11-15)

SHOCK rock heavy metal performer Alice Cooper, famed for 1970s hits "School's Out" and "No More Mr. Nice Guy," has just sold his memoirs to Random House's Crown Books imprint for an estimated $500,000. The book, "Alice Cooper, Golf Monster: My 12 Steps to Becoming a Golf Addict," is billed as a candid look at his 35-year career, his drinking and his recovery, which was helped along by a new addiction to golf. ...

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Alice Cooper and Jerry Jones
(North Valley, 2006-12-00)

With a recognizable face and a famous name, Alice Cooper has become somewhat of an American icon. But to Valley residence, he's more than just a rock and roll legend – he's a family man, restaurant entrepreneur, and generous supporter of various Arizona charities, including his own: Solid Rock Gold Foundation. ...

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Alice Cooper's Christmas Pudding
(22nd Century Rock, 2007-00-00)

Alice Coopers Xmas Pudding XI. It's all for a worthy cause. Alice Cooper turned Christian over sixteen years ago and has had a dream of building a sanctuary for teens to go. In order to fulfill his dream he's called some of his closest friends...

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Dennis Dunaway
(22nd Century Rock, 2007-00-00)

Dennis Dunaway is a bass guitarist best known for being the original member of the Alice Cooper Group from 1967 to 1975. He co-wrote some of the classic Alice Cooper material that after 30 years still receives airplay on FM Rock radio: School's Out...

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Alice Cooper's Greatest {golf} Hits
(Vegas Golfer, 2007-01-00)

For decades, Alice Cooper was best known for cranking out iconic hard rock anthems such as, "I'm Eighteen" and "School's Out." These days, however, what you're more likely to hear from him is, "I'm playing 18," or "I'm going to school on your...

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"Basic. Dumb. Sex-charged!"
(Mojo, 2007-04-00)

"The first Stooges album was true street Detroit music. We played the Grande Ballroom with Ted Nugent, The Amboy Dukes, the MC5 and The Stooges, with The Who headlining....

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Wonder of Alice
(Herald Sun, 2007-07-08)

When Alice Cooper checked into a treatment center for alcoholism, it had no revolving door for celebrities. "It wasn't classy. It wasn't 'in'," Cooper said. ...

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Fairly frightening
(Bulletin, 2007-07-25)

Alice Cooper is one spooky dude. His new album, "Along Came a Spider," comes out Tuesday. It's 6:45 a.m. on a Monday, and I am sitting glassy-eyed at my desk at The Bulletin. I'm not a morning person. Nor am I a coffee drinker. Actually, I feel ...

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Q&A with Alice Cooper
(Locofest, 2007-09-09)

Alice is THE MAN. Rock & roll icon, radio DJ, restaurant and nightclub owner, author and golfer, Alice Cooper has covered much ground so far, and at 59 has no plans to slow down. ...

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Alice Cooper
(Guitar Player, 2007-10-00)

It's no secret that Mr. Vincent Furnier — a.k.a Alice Cooper — wields a golf club much more enthusiastically than a guitar, but his band is nonetheless responsible for some...

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Hard rockers hit the mark again
(Bournemouth Echo, 2007-11-15)

A triple-whammy, rock fuelled juggernaut night for an evening of hard-hitting nostalgia. Alice Cooper, Motorhead and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts played to an audience rabid for some of the biggest hits of the heavy metal era....

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Cooper kills with skills
(Aftonbladet, 2007-11-29)

LUND. "When you've been active for 35 years, you are the soundtrack to peoples lives", Alice Cooper told Sydsvenskan before this falls only Swedish concert. That is why he builds his repertoire on his safe, strong and ancient era....

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