Article Database

Ottawa Citizen

Alice Cooper... Macabre Showmanship
(Ottawa Citizen, 1972-01-03)

He said his name was Alice. He appeared out of darkness as black and sinister as the leather he wore. Amidst an electric din, flashing coloured lights and a carnival-like wave of snap bubbles, more than 10,000 voices welcomed back this scraggy satan who immediately began to twitch and jitter across the platform above them....

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Alice promises a red Valentine
(Ottawa Citizen, 1988-02-11)

A few years ago, it didn't look as though Vincent Furnier was going to be able to revive Alice Cooper. It didn't even look like he would be able to revive Vincent Furnier....

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Alice horrifying in every spectacle
(Ottawa Citizen, 1988-02-15)

Most performers give concerts which have at least a few boring stretches, no matter how charismatic the person is. ...

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From shock rocker to Christian, Alice Cooper returns to the flock
(Ottawa Citizen, 1997-08-07)

Alice Cooper — that top dog of shock rock, the guy with the onstage guillotine and electric chair — is an active Christian now. No, he's not a "Christian rock artist," and he's quick to make that distinction, to separate himself from Petra or DC Talk or others who have made spiritual music with a rock beat. ...

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Venerable Rockers Know How to Please
(Ottawa Citizen, 2012-07-08)

Alice Cooper, the original shock rocker who justifiably claims to have found profit and fame in garish : makeup long before Bowie or Kiss, is the early act for this leg of the Iron Maiden tour....

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