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Music Collector

Hard Hearted Alice
(Music Collector, 1991-09-00)

Alice Cooper is, in many ways, a collector's dream: he has a long back catalogue of interesting material with novelty covers, is still active today and has generated enough support products from comics to knickers to fill anybody's loft. But he still remains largely a fringe phenomena - considered too tacky for consideration by 'serious' music fans and too visceral and off-the-wall for the mainstream. The commerciality of his most recent albums, Trash and Hey Stoopid, has combined with the increasing popularity of rock to help him form a new base of fans, many of whom are unaware of his previous material. The image of Alice as the guy with the snakes and bats who sang Schools Out is only a very small part of the picture. Anyone with the inclination to dig a little deeper will find an artist who is characterised primarily by diversity and who has contributed an immeasurable quantity to the history of rock music as a whole. ...

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