Article Database


Alice Cooper Really Is A Nice Guy
(Cream, 1971-07-00)

It was Marshall McLuhan, oft-quoted pundit of the television age, who said that 'Art is anything you can get away with.' Alice Cooper is putting it to the test. He's been getting away with an awful lot these days, if reports filtering across the Atlantic...

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Alice Through the Looking Glass
(Cream, 1971-12-00)

A WET Sunday evening in early November. THe show at the Rainbow (nee Finsbury Park Astoria) is half over and the audience is getting restless, waiting for something to happen. So far we have had a very entertaining electronic music hall act from...

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Dada Weer All Krazee Now
(Cream, 1972-11-18)

Watching Top of the Pops the other night, like all good little 26 year old teenyboppers, I was somewhat surprised to see The Sweet wearing heavy eye make-up and generally camping it up. Of course, it shouldn't have surprised me that much....

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Transylvania to Las Vegas by Stealth
(Cream, 1973-04-00)

After mutilated chickens, mock lynchings and stabbings, foreplay with boa constrictors, bombardment of audiences with paper panties, what next onstage from Alice Cooper, the teen pervert's answer to Busby Berkeley?...

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