Article Database

Vancouver Sun

Alice is coming with his goriest show yet
(Vancouver Sun, 1987-02-10)

HALIFAX - Nothing terrifies shock rocker Alice Cooper more than decor at the Holiday Inn. "How could you live with those colors? Turquoise and coral. Anybody who would think of that is scary."...

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Time's unkind to Alice
(Vancouver Sun, 1990-01-19)

Alice Cooper Grandmaster of Shock Rock is dead, long live the Sultan of Schlock. Cooper, ghoulish pioneer and practitioner of nightmare rock, is now sadly just another middle aged wanna be wallowing in a sea of...

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Shock Rock Purist
(Vancouver Sun, 1999-09-09)

There is a very good reason you will never see Alice Cooper brandish tattoos or incorporate a coffin into his theatrical performance. They scare him. "I have a couple of phobias," he admits. "I'm pretty claustrophobic...

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Alice Cooper back with nightmarish Paris Hilton salvo
(Vancouver Sun, 2005-10-13)

There are, generally, two types of show biz folk. There are the rock stars who take their craft terribly seriously and disdain the mundane parts, such as answering the same interview questions over and over again...

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Alice Cooper's Nightmare Lives On
(Vancouver Sun, 2013-11-14)

If Alice Cooper was one of the first true shock rockers, he is now one of the last remaining few. Speaking to a crowd of recording arts students at the Vancity Theatre last year, Cooper and longtime friend and producer Bob...

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Never Can Say Goodbye
(Vancouver Sun, 2021-03-06)

In 1970, 22-year-old Alice Cooper decided to leave Los Angeles. Frustrated with his band's lack of success after two years of gigging, the theatrical rocker had to admit he had caught the ear of almost no one. (Frank Zappa was an idiosyncratic exception...

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