Article Database
The Preachers Son Who Became Alice Cooper
(People, 1974-04-01)
It was about a year before his astonishing visage would become an inescapable fixture of pop culture. The rock star-to-be had arrived at a nobby New York restaurant for a luncheon interview, caparisoned in full regalia and thorough anonymity....
(People, 1978-09-04)
By November of last year Alice Cooper's decade of drinking had caught up with him. The perversely flamboyant vaude-rocker had taken root in front of a TV set and was alternating between two cases of Bud per day and two bottles of booze....
The Nightmare Returns: The Alice Cooper Tour
(People, 1987-00-00)
All right kids: In case you're lacking historical perspective, the thing draped around this guy's neck is a live, 10-foot boa constrictor. He calls himself Alice, and he was a past master of macabre rock drama back when the members of Metallica thought heavy metal meant an oversized safety pin in their diapers....
Trash Album Reivew
(People, 1989-09-18)
C'mon, Alice, look us in eye. Your head is hanging down on your chest on the album cover, and after listening to this failed comeback attempt we know why. Recruiting Desmond (Bon Jovi) Child to produce the record and co-write most of the tracks showed good instinct but, alas, most of your collaborations are just shameless Bon Jovi knockoffs. To your credit, you got sober, so chalk one up in the personal growth category. And nobody is expecting anything as big as 1972's School's Out these days....
Shooting Off
(People, 1991-00-00)
Rock and roll ghoul Alice Cooper is amused by the elevated status of younger glam bands. —I love the high heels,— says Cooper, 43, whose new album in Hey Stoopid. "I know how difficult it is to wear those things. L.A.'s got a very healthy crop...
Worthy Tribute
(People, 1992-00-00)
A funny thing keeps happening to Alice Cooper since his cameo in the hit movie Wayne's World. Cooper, 44, who lives in Scottsdale, Ariz., says now when he goes to movies or a 7-Eleven, fans make like Wayne and Garth, going overboard on paying...
News Report
(People, 1992-11-19)
Portrait Puts Rocker in Picture Alice Cooper may come to the rescue of a man who included the rocker's face in a psychedelic paint job on his foreclosed home in Riverside, Calif. "I'm not sure what we're going to do," Toby Mamis, Cooper's agent, said...
Alice Cooper Star Seeker's Guide to Planet Hollywood
(People, 1994-05-18)
The only place left to see stars is Planet Hollywood, according to Alice Cooper. "This is really the only Hollywood thing left, the only thing the stars go to," the rocker, a partner in the Hawaii Planet Hollywood, said at the opening of a new franchise in San Francisco. "It used to be premieres, but nobody ever goes to premieres anymore." Cooper was on hand Sunday for the opening of the 25th restaurant in the chain owned by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and many Hollywood partners. Schwarzenegger and Don Johnson, another partner, were joined by Wesley Snipes, Danny Glover and Luke Perry. ...
Last Temptation Album Review
(People, 1994-06-20)
Alice Cooper's glory days as the king of early-'70s shock rock may be long gone, but he still commands respect in fairly hip circles, as evidenced by the participation here of alternative whippersnappers Don Fleming (leader of power pop act Gumball) and Chris Cornell of Soundgarden. The latter cowrote and sings on "Stolen Prayer," the album's best track, while Fleming produced a number of the rockers, whipping up a cheesy metal souffle that is notwithout charm. Some advice: You will enjoy this a lot more if you skip the ballads (most are dreadful) and forget that this is supposed to be a concept album (an exploration of good and evil, with Alice as a malevolent carnival barker). If such Stephen King0like storylines intrigue you, however, the album comes with a comic-book adaptation - the better to understand the great man's, uh, vision. (Epic) ...
(People, 1998-03-21)
ALICE DOESN'T RUN ANYMORE: During the impeachment proceedings of Arizona's Gov. Evan Mecham, raccoon-eyed rocker Alice Cooper announced at a concert that he was running as a write-in candidate to fill the possibly soon-to-be vacant seat. "I'm a registered voter and grew up in the state," he said. "I'm here to represent the Wild Party. I even have a slogan: Alice Cooper-A troubled man for troubled times." His backup slogan was "A snake in every pool." Later, Alice pulled out, declaring, "As a write-in candidate I was doomed from the start because my fans can't read. Besides," he added, "we never found out what the job pays." ...
(People, 2008-07-20)
Shock Rock legend Alice Cooper has been terrifying his fans for more than 40 years - and now he wants to scare the living daylights out of James Bond. The mascara-loving singer may have racked up millions of album sales and landed a string of prestigious awards for worldwide hits like Schools Out. ...