Article Database
Aardschok America
Alice Cooper
(Aardschok America, 1986-12-00)
ALICE COOPER. The stage shows. The classic rock anthems. The name itself. There's never been anyone quite like ALICE COOPER — not even close. ALICE says, "Everybody was into peace and love. We were into fun, sex, death and money. I was trying...
Alice Cooper
(Aardschok America, 1987-01-00)
An interview with Alice Cooper could be a real experience based on speculation concerning his new show. It certainly leads to more anticipation than walking into the room to speak with Billy Joel. There is always a little reminder upstairs that says...
Thirty Years of Rock Horror Music
(Aardschok America, 1999-08-00)
On February 4th, 1948, Vincent Furnier is born. Now, 51 years later, there's a magnificent overview of 25 Alice Cooper albums. His first "real" Cooper album is "Love It To Death" from 1971, according to many still one of his best albums. His latest...