Album Guide

Special Forces (1981)
Track listing: Who Do You Think We Are? / Seven & Seven Is / Prettiest Cop on the Block / Don't Talk Old To Me / Generation Landslide '81 (Live) / Skeletons in the Closet / You Want It, You Got It / You Look Good In Rags / You're A Movie / Vicious Rumours
Alice Cooper: lead vocals
Duane Hitchings: keyboards
Danny Johnson: guitar
Craig Krampf: drums
Mike Pinera: guitar
Erik Scott: bass
Recorded at American Recording Co., Studio City
Produced by Richard Podolor
Special Forces (1981)
Subject: Cooper, Alice
Height: 6 feet
Eyes: Stormy grey, with chameleon-like qualities, apt to change with mood
Hair: long, black, very
Operatives infiltrating high levels at Namer Bros. Records (Burbank, Ca,) report the imminent release of Special Forces. New album by subject contains ten cuts. Reliable sources (see Report #24572J filed by agent 04- — code name, 'Mo') indicate highest energy level by subject to date. Dept. of Youth Containment projects dangerous potential for national breakout. Targeted cuts: latest single "You Want It You Got It," "Don't Talk Old To Me," "Vicious Rumours," "Who Do You Think We Are." LP also includes retooled classics; "Generation Landslide ‘81," cut live and first reported subject's Billion Dollar Babies LP, and Love's "Seven & Seven Is." Subject in monitored conversation quoted as saying: "We're not leavin' anyone a minute to breathe on this one. This album could melt a heart pacer." (Suggest keeping it away from parents, it is a weapon). Co-conspirators with subject on Special Forces include producer Richard Podolor (see Top-Rated Producer Report K97023), keyboardist Duane Hitchings, guitarist Danny Johnson and Mike Pinera, bassist Erik Scott and drummer Craig Krampf. Dept. of Psychological Statistics (see Report LK756423) Indicates following profile for subject: pro-American to the point of absurdity and ready to prove it. Stands ready to serve on the rock and roll front line for God, country and the right stuff. Current whereabouts: somewhere in heartland U.S.A. on 1981 Special Forces Tour. Tour features all new stage show and ends with rendition of "My Country Tis Of Thee" (audience participation mandatory). Preliminary findings: volatile, dangerous, a musical power keg, subject and band are mobilized and on the move.
Detroit News reports: "The cagey veteran came through with the singularly most gripping, galvanizing live rock 'n' roll achievement Detroit has seen in ages."
Alice is at full throttle and command. Audience is reported devastated on every front. Final comment: Cooper retaining status, advancing cause and raising hell.