Album Guide

Love It To Death (1971)
Track listing: Caught In A Dream / I'm Eighteen / Hallowed By My Name / Long Way To Go / Black Juju / Is It My Body / Second Coming / Ballad of Dwight Fry / Sun Arise
All songs arranged by Alice Cooper group and Bob Ezrin. "Toronto Bob" on organ and piano
Recorded at RCA Mid-American Recording Center, Chicago
Produced by Jack Richardson and Bob Ezrin
Love It To Death (1971)
The Beginning
Centuries ago, in the 17th century, astrologists and scientists became aware of a celestial and earthly turbulence which seemed to be concentrated in-and around England.
The island's atmosphere was charged with energy, the earth seemed to tremble; it was as if nature herself was thrashing about and the stars had come together.
Its effect on the people of England was one of extreme unrest. Suspicion and fear spread from the castles of the rich to the small hamlets of the poor.
During this unnatural upheaval — on February 4, 1623, in Sussex, England — Alice Cooper was born.
1623 -1636
Alice Cooper, whose mother and father left the richness of their castle in England, changed their names and became simple inhabitants of Sussex, was a strange child. She seemed to be always listening to voices no one else could hear, often smiling secretly, as if she shared the world's joke.
Much of her time was spent with her sister, Christine, who was three years older. Christine taught her the magic of the strange plants that grew abundantly in the forest. She taught her the ancient words of old that could make the thunder crash and the fire burn.
Alice's mother and father died by fire the year of her twelfth birthday. One year after the death of her parents, Alice witnessed the death of Christine, who was called witch by the village and burned at the stake.
Alice, with the help of Christine, seeing a new life in another time, died by poison. Her age: 13 years — place: Sussex, England — in the year 1636.
The Journey
The road twisted and curved, the trees were shadows in the black memory of my mind. The mist was heavy as it swirled around me. I was aware of centuries past and a world of memories.
There was light ahead. Having come so far, I knew my time was near. I had traveled the roads of eternity, searching for the way back; and now I felt the energy beneath my feet, the time had come.
Peering through the glass, I saw a room filled with a presence strangely comforting, a room full of waiting. There was a plaque hanging crookedly on the wall.
1948 - ?
Alice Cooper, age 20 years, a new time, a new life is back today. He is now, as he was then, the mocking voice of the past, echoed by Christine, whispering always of tomorrow.
Alice, having re-entered, is now of today and has gathered around him those of yesterday.
GLEN BUXTON - Lead Guitar
A brooding figure of the past, a Black Night once feared by many, has been brought by Alice, to tell of centuries of hate and a world of fear.
DENNIS DUNAWAY - Bass Guitar - Vocals
An artist of the courts, painting the picture of history, knowing the colors of tomorrow.
MICHAEL BRUCE - Rhythm Guitar - Vocals
A poet of the streets, writing songs of centuries, a figure in the fields of tomorrow.
NEAL ALLEN SMITH - Drums - Vocals
A Warrior King, born of power, bred in the strongholds of the Gods. He is here now, leading Alice toward the future of yesterday.
If you can stomach any more of this kind of crap ... contact Warner Bros. Records.