Article Database
16 Magazine
November 1974
Alice Wants You For His Victim
Everybody has a "secret garden" — a place where their weirdest and wildest dreams come true. And these unfulfilled fantasies are often quite sensual, sexy, exotic and even scary! Alice Cooper is no different from the rest of us — so listen in while this freaky and far-out strange-one confides in you and tells you his favorite fantasy from his "secret garden!"
It's a dark moonless night and I am driving down a lonely country road in a big, beautiful white Cadillac. Suddenly, as I wheel around a turn, I see the figure of a girl. She is running along the side of the road. At the sound of my car and the sight of my headlights, she throws a frightened glance in my direction and begins to run even faster! I slow down the car as much as I can and I scrutinize this sweet young girl who is fleeing through the night. She seems to be of medium height, her wildly flowing hair is sort of dirty blonde — and her clothes look as though someone had tried to rip them off of her!
Suddenly the girl disappears and in an instant I realize that she has fallen down and, seemingly, vanished from sight! I pull the car over, come to a stop and — leaving the motor running and the door open — rush over to where I last saw her. There, in a pile of leaves and debris I find her — whimpering and looking utterly terrified! Very slowly I stoop down, and reach out and touch her. "Don't be afraid, little girl," I say softly, trying to reassure her.
Much like a scared kitten she looks up at me with her large tear-stained eyes. I pat her shoulder — then, taking her hand, try to help her to her feet. But she begins whimpering again and I realize that she twisted her ankle when she fell. So I reach down and, taking her trembling body into my arms, lift her up and carry her towards my car. Through the open door I slide her across the front seat and then slip onto the seat beside her.
"Please don't be afraid," I tell her, still trying to calm her fears. "Tell me what happened to you? What are you doing out here on this lonely road all by yourself in the middle of the night?"
Slowly and cautiously she begins to explain. "I live near here on a farm," she says, sobbing softly. "My mother and father went away for two days — they've done that before, 'n nothin' ever happened. But this time Willie, the hired hand, came into the house and he — he — I woke up and —"
She now starts crying almost hysterically and, instinctively, I find myself reaching out for her again. I gently touch her tangled hair with one hand while I softly caress her shoulder with the other hand. At first she pulls away slightly, but I am quiet and loving and patient — and she soon seems to relax a bit. I notice that she is in a chemise and that it is ripped and torn in a couple of places. Her hands move nervously on her lap.
"Come now ," I persist in a calm voice. "You are safe with me. I will take care of you. Tell me what happened —"
She sniffs once or twice and then continues. "Well, like I said I woke up and he — Willie — was standing right over my bed. His hands were up like he was going to strangle me or somethin'. I was so scared that I just jumped up and started runnin' — and he ran right after me! He caught me once and threw me down, but I got away. He grabbed at my nightie and tore it, but I kept on runnin'!"
She stops and swallows, then continues. "Before I knew it I was out on the road. And then — and then —" She looks up at me her frightened eyes are now a little more trusting. "Then you came along."
"Yes, my dear," I respond soothingly. "And just in the nick of time."
Somehow I am suddenly holding her close to me. She is warm and her heart is beating very fast. At first she again pulls away, but soon she rests her head on my shoulder and relaxes. Now she looks up at me with an expression of relief and trust and says, "I don't know who you are — but I feel that I can really trust you."
Pressing her even closer to me, I stroke her face and neck and whisper "If you can't trust me, my dearest — then you can't trust anyone."
She sighs and leans her head back on my arm — as I slowly move my lips closer and closer to her pulsating throat-----!